Jo Mac


My name is Joe Mac and I have worked long years internationally as a fitness and wellness consultant. With Network International I have the possibility to use my contacts internationally and with that I have the chance to build my business worldwide without having the headaches most self-employed business owners have... and the passive income is fantastic.

What fascinates me about this business is the freedom to decide, where, when and with whom I want to work. It is fun for me and my team to ’work' that way. Also I have met the most wonderful people through this exceptional company. This business has changed my life completely and today I have a lot more time for my family, my friends and myself.


Nicola Tolson


My name is Nicola Tolson and I have been involved with Network International 22 years ago and alongside growing a lively family, working in a hospital, living in and working on property renovation. With team support I’ve developed an international business on a part time basis, weaving my JP activity in and around all other activities.

By taking out a franchise licence I have time and income ‘freedom’ that is enviable and I can choose what I do and when I do it. At the age of 65 I have a ‘pension’ that grows every month. I’m now paid from 18+ countries and have an increasing income and more importantly an increasing pension What makes me love it? There’s no other organisation I’ve ever known has such an interest in the well being and happiness of others.

Hannah Demarest, Lausanne Switzerland


Twice in my life I’ve been lucky enough to recognize instantly that I was in the right place at the right time. The first time was when I arrived in Switzerland from the US to study French for one year in the 60s and never left. After my studies I stepped naturally into freelance language teaching.  The second time was meeting the Juice Plus Company in the early 90s. Long before understanding any of the details I just knew that this concept was made for me and me for it: helping a lot of people take responsibility for their health and their finances and having fun doing it. This business fits my values, my desire to help, and my fierce need for independence. And part of my activity is still teaching because success comes from teaching other people to do the same thing. I reached the top position in 13 months in an area where nobody had ever heard of marketing through a direct selling franchise, just by sharing my enthusiasm and conviction.

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Michael Lorenz

Michael LorenzMy name is Michael Lorenz and I used to work as a factory mechanic. After 15 years I realized that at the end of the money I had a lot of month left. Exactly at this moment in my life (back in 1991), I got introduced to this wonderful business by my uncle, Gerhard Bauer. I was immediately fascinated because it’s absolutely risk-free and the products are fantastic; I wanted to use them myself and I knew a lot of people who were going to use them as well.

At the beginning I started on a part-time basis, and after two years I earned more money part-time with my network business than in my main job as a mechanic in a factory. I quit my mechanic’s job and after 3 ½ years I reached the top position in my new company.  My life has changed completely to the positive. Now I can fulfil a lot of my dreams.  One key ingredient of my success was my association with Network International and its many training centers.  I am so very, very thankful to my sponsors Wim & Birgit Plange, Stefan Reuter and Gerhard Bauer for this chance of a lifetime and for their continued support!!

Harald Wissel

haraldwisselMy name is Harald Wissel and I used to be a technical mechanic and engineer for manufacturing systems. Initially I started on a part-time basis with Network International and 10 months later I switched to full-time. After only two years I already had enormous success. I kept building my business together with my partners and over the years it has developed into one of the biggest businesses in our industry.  Today I live my dream and I enjoy being able to do whatever I wish. Being in the position to decide by myself if I want to work, when and with whom, is a big privilege for me.

What fascinates me most in this business is the fact that I can decide how actively I want to build the business…... without any pressure. If you work for it, then the dream of freedom and being self-employed without financial risks is definitely achievable for everyone.

Joanne & Sean Harris


My name is Joanne Harris and I have been in the Beauty Industry over 20 years. Myself and my husband Sean, who is a Financial advisor have been lucky enough to be working with Birgit and Wim since 2011. I am National Marketing Director and Sean is Qualified National Marketing Director.  We look upon Birgit and Wim not only as Business Partners but as friends. Our business has grown from strength to strength with the help of their continuous support and we look forward to even bigger success in the next few years. We are so proud to be part of Network International and very excited about all our futures. The best is yet to come!!